Choose your membership based on a shipping address
Benefits of being a Wine Club member
- Free shipping for Club Releases to your USA address
- Free USA shipping on additional purchases of at least $600
- Free shipping from Argentina for your first Club Release
- $225 value for 12 bottles; $150 value for 6 bottles.
- Shipping will be applied retroactively if a second club release is declined.
- 2 releases per year - Spring and Fall
- Club Levels: 6 or 12 bottles per release
- Customize your wine shipping dates
- Flexibility on which wines you choose to receive
- Access to Library wines that are unavailable to the general public
Conditions for membership
- Enter a shipping address in USA
- Minimum purchase of 6 bottles
To complete your Wine Club sign-up, you will be redirected to a secure site. Please choose the level of the Club you wish:
Benefits of being a Wine Club member
- Free shipping to your address
- Receive your first shipment when you sign up
2 Shipments per year, in fall and in spring:
Sizes: 6 bottles twice a year or 12 bottles twice a year.
You can make additional purchases with the Club benefit of free shipping
- Possibility of modifying arrival dates
- You can modify our wine suggestions and choose the wines you prefer
- Preferential access to small production wines
Conditions for membership
- Enter a shipping address in ARGENTINA
- Minimum purchase of 6 bottles
We are working on repairs and improvements to our site. If you wish to sign up to our Wine Club, please write to
Condições e Benefícios da Cofradía:
- Mínimo de 6 garrafas.
- Uma remessa cada 6 meses
- 10 % de desconto na segunda remessa
- Possibilidade de escolher os rótulos e fazer uma caixa mista.
- Prazo de entrega entre 1 e 2 semanas
- Comunicação fluida com o seu fornecedor
- Capacidade de rastrear sua remessa facilmente
- Bonificação na Degustacão
¿Como fazer uma Remessa?
- Preencha o formulário que se entregue a você no depósito
- Efetuar o pagamento da encomenda no armazém
¿Como é feito o pagamento dos vinhos?
Pagamento feito em duas partes:
- Uma parte é paga no armazém (Credito ou dinheiro)
- A outra parte em TWS, The Wine Shipping Company (Credito ou dinheiro)
Adicionando os dois pagamentos que são feitos, o total coincide com o valor indicado pelo vendedor na vinícola.
Estamos trabalhando para melhorar o site. Para ingressar no Wine Club, escreva para Muito obrigado
Benefits of being a Wine Club member
- Door to Door shipping
- 50% discount on shipping costs
- Possibility of modifying arrival dates
- You can choose the wines you prefer
- Preferential access to small production wines
Conditions for membership
- Minimum purchase of 12 bottles